

Niemann-Pick disease又稱「尼曼匹克症」,同樣是脂質代謝異常遺傳疾病的一種,這是由於sphingomyelin在細胞中出現不正常堆積現象所造成的疾病,正常情況下sphingomyelin是構成神經細胞膜的重要物質之一,屬於sphingolipids的一種,也就是一種phospolipids,是由sphingomyelin synthasephosphatidylcholine上面的phosphorylcholine接到ceramide所構成的【註一】。sphingomyelinase就是分解sphingomyelin的酵素,一但sphingomyelinase缺乏過量的sphingomyelin就會累積於病人的肝臟、腎臟、脾臟、骨髓、腦部,造成器官的病變,症狀會陸續出現吞嚥困難、走路跌倒、腦部功能退化,最後會逐漸成為植物人、死亡。

Niemann-Pick disease主要分為ABC三種型別【註二】,近來醫學界亦陸陸續續發現其他如DEF的型別,全世界患者不到一百人,大多數患者為A型,主要罹病族群多具猶太人血統,在台灣的Niemann-Pick disease患者不超過十名,以C型居多,大約有95%的患者是NPC1基因突變造成,這類患者累積的物質為細胞不能代謝的膽固醇,發病時間約七至十三歲。

由於這種遺傳疾病是由體染熱體的變異所引起的隱性遺傳,父母雙方各帶一相同的缺陷基因,每一胎皆有四分之一的機率罹患此症【註三】,家族中有病例者婚前應該接受基因篩檢以避免新生兒疾病。目前Niemann-Pick disease尚無治癒的方法,只有ZAVESCA這種臨床試驗中的新藥可以讓患者停止退化,甚至恢復吞嚥功能,但就如我先前所敘述的,這類孤兒藥不易取得且要價非常高,不是一般家庭負擔的起的,目前國建局已經終止了對這類藥物的補助,這群小朋友有正面臨無藥可醫的窘迫。大家在百貨公司週年慶血拼之餘,請想想這群可憐的小朋友,可以電洽台大醫院的社服(022356-2097了解詳情,或是劃撥給「台大醫院社會服務部」劃撥帳號00145791,註明捐款給尼曼匹克症病患。有錢出錢沒錢轉貼喔~~~



【註一】The sphingomyelins are synthesized by the transfer of phosphorylcholine from phosphatidylcholine to a ceramide in a reaction catalyzed by sphingomyelin synthase. Sphingomyelins are sphingolipids that are also phospholipids. Sphingomyelins are important structural lipid components of nerve cell membranes. The predominant sphingomyelins contain palmitic or stearic acid N-acylated at carbon 2 of sphingosine. (I'll attach the figure as soon as possible!)


【註二】Both of Niemann-Pick disease type A and type B, insufficient activity of an enzyme called sphingomyelinase causes the build up of toxic amounts of sphingomyelin, a fatty substance present in every cell of the body. Type A is the most common type, which occurs in infants. It is characterized by jaundice, an enlarged liver, and profound brain damage. Children with this type rarely live beyond 18 months. Type B involves an enlarged liver and spleen, which usually occurs in the pre-teen years. The brain is not affected. Niemann-Pick Type C (NPC) is very different than Type A or B.  NPC Patients are not able to metabolize cholesterol and other lipids properly within the cell. Types C is characterized by a defect that disrupts the transport of cholesterol between brain cells.Affected individuals have only moderate enlargement of the spleen and liver, but brain damage may be extensive and cause an inability to look up and down, difficulty in walking and swallowing, and progressive loss of vision and hearing.



Carriers of Niemann-Pick disease is a person who has a mutation of the related gene in one of the pair and be unaffected with the disease. That’s because the normal gene properly working for the mutated one. But if both parents are carriers of Niemann-Pick disease there is 25% chance to have a child with Niemann-Pick disease. (I'll attach the figure as soon as possible!)




1.      羅倫佐的油

2.      ZAVESCA救退化 醫師:沒更好的藥

3.      財團法人罕見疾病基金會

4.      How Is Niemann-Pick Disease Inherited? 

5.      National NPD foundation

6.      Zavesca Information from Drugs.com

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